Principal Exchange-Rated-Linked Securities (PERLS)

Business / Finance / Principal Exchange-Rated-Linked Securities (PERLS): A debt instrument with its principal and interest denominated in U.S. dollars, but with principal repayment depending on the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar against a foreign currency.
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Other Words for Principal

Principal Adjective Synonyms: chief, primary, prime, paramount, main, first, foremost, ranking, pre-eminent, predominant, dominant, prevailing, leading, starring
Principal Noun Synonyms: (working) capital, capital funds, resources, investment, backing, (cash) reserve(s), assets, money

Public Securities Administration (PSA)

Business / Finance / Public Securities Administration (PSA): The trade association for primary dealers in U.S. government securities, including MBSs. MORE

Project Loan Securities

Business / Finance / Project Loan Securities: Securities backed by a variety of FHA-insured loans-primarily multifamily apartment buildings, hospitals, and nursing homes. MORE

Principal-Only (PO)

Business / Finance / Principal-Only (PO): A mortgage-backed security (MBS) whose holder receives only principal cash flows on the underlying mortgage pool. All the principal distribution due from the underlying collateral pool is paid to the MORE

Real Property Securities Dealer

Business / Real Estate / Real Property Securities Dealer: A real property securities dealer is a broker who sells an existing trust deed and guarantees a return on it. MORE

Remaining Principal Balance

Business / Finance / Remaining Principal Balance: The amount of principal dollars remaining to be paid under a mortgage as of a given time. MORE

Securities Analysts

Business / Finance / Securities Analysts: Related: Financial analysts MORE