Business / Agriculture / Purchaser Road Credits: Credits granted to purchasers of timber in the national forests in exchange for the construction of permanent roads specified in the timber sale contract. The amount of the credits is the Forest Service?€™s estimate of construction costs, and the credits can be used to pay for timber harvested. Occasionally, when stumpage prices are at or near the base rates, some or all of the credits cannot be used, and are then termed ineffective road credits. The authority to grant credits was terminated in the FY1999 appropriations act (P.L. 105-277, October 21, 1998).
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Road Noun Synonyms: way, means, approach, route, procedure, technique, method, passage, street, avenue, course, track, entr‚e, access, direction
Business / Agriculture / Purchaser Road Credits: Credits granted to purchasers of timber in the national forests in exchange for the construction of permanent roads specified in the timber sale contract. The amount of the credits is the Forest Servi MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Railroad: A wide split on which both pins are on the same line; e.g., the 7-10, 8-10, 7-9, or 4-6. MORE
Business / Construction / Railroad Tie: Black, tar and preservative impregnated, 6' X 8' and 6'-8' long wooden timber that was used to hold railroad track in place. Normally used as a member of a retaining wall. MORE