Road Noun Synonyms
thoroughfare, way, byway, highway, roadway, high road, low road, avenue, boulevard, street, lane, alley(way), motorway, carriageway, turnpike, expressway, freeway, parkway, throughway or thruway, German Autobahn, Italian autostrada, French autorou
The roads are jammed with traffic on Sunday evenings during the summer.
way, means, approach, route, procedure, technique, method, passage, street, avenue, course, track, entr‚e, access, direction
Our researchers arrived at the identical results via a completely different road.
Search Google for Road:
Business / Agriculture / Class I Railroad: Any railroad with annual gross revenues of at least $250 million (in 1991), according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. These are the largest long-distance U.S. railroad systems such as Union MORE
Entertainment / Football / Road Game: A game played in the opponent's home stadium. Games at neutral sites are generally not considered road games although they are 'away from home'. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Broadcast Calendar: This standard Broadcast calendar, created in the 1960s, is designed to conform to the uniform billing period adopted by Broadcasters, Agencies and Advertisers for billing and planning functions. Under MORE
Business / Agriculture / Non-Road Emissions: Pollutants emitted by non-road engines and non-road vehicles, e.g., farm and construction equipment, gasoline-powered lawn and garden equipment, and power boats and outboard motors. The Clean Air Act, MORE
Business / Agriculture / Purchaser Road Credits: Credits granted to purchasers of timber in the national forests in exchange for the construction of permanent roads specified in the timber sale contract. The amount of the credits is the Forest Servi MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / National Association Of Broadcasters (NAB): A non-profit organization supported by TV and radio broadcasters whose purpose is to demonstrate to legislative bodies and other interested parties that broadcasters can maintain adequate standards wi MORE