Permanent Law

Business / Agriculture / Permanent Law: Legislation that would be in force in the absence of all temporary or short-term laws (e.g., farm bills). The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, the Agricultural Act of 1949, and the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act of 1948 serve as the basic laws authorizing the major commodity programs. Technically, each new farm bill (including the FAIR Act of 1996) amends the permanent law for a specified period. The FAIR Act of 1996 also repealed some provisions of permanent law and suspended other provisions through 2002. Many programs and activities of USDA are authorized by permanent laws that are periodically amended.
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Other Words for Law

Law Verb Synonyms: rule, regulation, ordinance, statute, act, enactment, by-law, measure, edict, decree, order, directive, injunction, command, commandment, canon, mandate, ukase
Law Noun Synonyms: principle, proposition, theory, theorem, formula, axiom, deduction, corollary, postulate, conclusion, inference

Other Words for Permanent

Permanent Adjective Synonyms: everlasting, eternal, unending, endless, perpetual, unceasing, constant, undying, imperishable, indestructible, stable, abiding, long-lasting, lasting, enduring, perennial, long-lived, durable
Permanent Noun Synonyms: unchanging, invariable, changeless, fixed, unchangeable, immutable, unalterable, stable, persistent

Permanent Current

Science / Tides and Currents / Permanent Current: A current that runs continuously and is independent of tides and other temporary causes. Permanent currents include the general surface circulation of the oceans. MORE

Permanent Financing

Business / Finance / Permanent Financing: Long-term financing using either debt or equity. MORE

Periodic Law

Science / Chemistry / Periodic Law: The periodic law states that physical and chemical properties of the elements recur in a regular way when the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number. MORE