Permanent Adjective Synonyms
everlasting, eternal, unending, endless, perpetual, unceasing, constant, undying, imperishable, indestructible, stable, abiding, long-lasting, lasting, enduring, perennial, long-lived, durable
The satellite is in permanent orbit around the earth.
Permanent Noun Synonyms
unchanging, invariable, changeless, fixed, unchangeable, immutable, unalterable, stable, persistent
This stain is permanent and will not come out in the wash. Bonham is a permanent member of the executive committee.
Search Google for Permanent:
Science / Tides and Currents / Permanent Current: A current that runs continuously and is independent of tides and other temporary causes. Permanent currents include the general surface circulation of the oceans. MORE
Business / Taxes / Permanent Insurance: Permanent insurance is a life insurance policy that provides a death benefit as long as you live, or in some cases until you turn 100, provided you continue to pay the required premiums. With this typ MORE
Science / Chemistry / Permanent Hardness: Water hardness that remains after boiling the water, mainly due to dissolved calcium sulfate. Chlorides also contribute to permanent hardness. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Permanent Vegetative Cover: Trees, or perennial grasses, legumes, or shrubs with an expected life span of at least 5 years. Permanent cover is required on cropland entered into the Conservation Reserve Program. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Permanent Law: Legislation that would be in force in the absence of all temporary or short-term laws (e.g., farm bills). The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, the Agricultural Act of 1949, and the Commodity Credi MORE
Business / Finance / Permanent Financing: Long-term financing using either debt or equity. MORE