Permanent Current

Science / Tides and Currents / Permanent Current: A current that runs continuously and is independent of tides and other temporary causes. Permanent currents include the general surface circulation of the oceans.
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Other Words for Current

Current Adjective Synonyms: contemporary, ongoing, present, contemporaneous, simultaneous, coeval
Current Noun Synonyms: course, progress, tendency, tenor, drift, trend, inclination, mainstream

Other Words for Permanent

Permanent Adjective Synonyms: everlasting, eternal, unending, endless, perpetual, unceasing, constant, undying, imperishable, indestructible, stable, abiding, long-lasting, lasting, enduring, perennial, long-lived, durable
Permanent Noun Synonyms: unchanging, invariable, changeless, fixed, unchangeable, immutable, unalterable, stable, persistent


Technology / Home Audio / Current: The volume or quantum of the flow of electrons through a conductor, as opposed to voltage, which is the measure of the intensity or velocity of the electrical flow. MORE

Antarctic Circumpolar Current

Science / Tides and Currents / Antarctic Circumpolar Current: The largest permanent current in the world, setting eastward around the Antarctic Continent south of Cape Horn, Cape of Good Hope, Tasmania, and New Zealand. Through Drake Passage, it transports appro MORE

Noncurrent Liability

Business / Finance / Noncurrent Liability: A liability due in one year. MORE

North Atlantic Current

Science / Tides and Currents / North Atlantic Current: A North Atlantic Ocean current setting northeastward from southeast of the Grand Banks at about latitude 40?° north, longitude 50?° west, to the British Isles. A segment of the Gulf Stream System, t MORE

North Cape Current

Science / Tides and Currents / North Cape Current: An Arctic Ocean current setting eastward off the north coast of Scandinavia in the Barents Sea. MORE

Noncurrent Asset

Business / Finance / Noncurrent Asset: Any asset that is expected to be held for the whole year, not sold or exchanged, such as real estate, machinery, or a patent. MORE