Business / Agriculture / Minimal Nutritional Value: Refers to foods that may not be sold in competition with the school lunch and breakfast programs. These are foods that USDA has determined contain little if any nutritional value. For example, sugar candy, soda pop without fruit juices, and chewing gum are considered to be foods of minimal nutritional value. Candy containing nuts or chocolate is considered to have some nutritional value.
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Minimal Verb Synonyms: least, smallest, minutest, littlest, tiniest, slightest, minimum, nominal, token
Business / Accounting / Redemption Value: The price, stated in the contract, to be paid by a company to repurchase preferred stock. MORE
Business / Accounting / Relative Fair Market Value Method: A way of allocating a lump-sum or 'basket' purchase price to the individual assets acquired based on their respective market values. MORE
Business / Finance / Relative Value: The attractiveness measured in terms of risk, liquidity, and return of one instrument relative to another, or, for a given instrument, of one maturity relative to another. MORE