Business / Accounting / Relative Fair Market Value Method: A way of allocating a lump-sum or 'basket' purchase price to the individual assets acquired based on their respective market values.
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Fair Adjective Synonyms: impartial, even-handed, disinterested, equitable, just, unprejudiced, unbiased, objective, square
Market Adjective Synonyms: shop, store, bazaar, supermarket, superstore
Market Verb Synonyms: market-place, exchange, Stock Exchange
Market Noun Synonyms: demand, customer base, call
Method Adjective Synonyms: way, means, procedure, approach, route, avenue, road, mode, manner, technique, process, routine, modus operandi, plan, scheme, programme, course, routine, practice, pattern, system, methodology, M.O.
Relative Noun Synonyms: related, connected, associated, allied, affiliated, interconnected, interrelated, pertinent, relevant, germane, applicable, apropos
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