Minimal Verb Synonyms
least, smallest, minutest, littlest, tiniest, slightest, minimum, nominal, token
As a house plant, the cactus requires minimal attention. There is a minimal charge for service.
Search Google for Minimal:
Entertainment / Music / Minimalist Music: Contemporary musical style featuring the repetition of short melodic, rhythmic and harmonic patterns with little variation. See also spiritual minimalism. MORE
Entertainment / Music / Spiritual Minimalism: Contemporary musical style related to minimalism, characterized by a weak pulse and long chains of lush progressions, either tonal or modal. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Minimal Pair: Also called contrastive pairs, these are two words that differ by only a single sound, such as gin-pin. Linguists commonly use minimal pairs for illustrating subtle sound differences. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Minimal Nutritional Value: Refers to foods that may not be sold in competition with the school lunch and breakfast programs. These are foods that USDA has determined contain little if any nutritional value. For example, sugar c MORE
Health / Disease / Minimal Risk Level (MRL): An ATSDR estimate of daily human exposure to a hazardous substance at or below which that substance is unlikely to pose a measurable risk of harmful (adverse), noncancerous effects. MRLs are calculate MORE