Fair Adjective Synonyms
attractive, good-looking, handsome, comely, pretty, beautiful, pulchritudinous, lovely, beauteous
Faint heart never won fair lady.
favorable, clear, sunny, fine, dry, bright, cloudless, pleasant, halcyon, benign
Fair weather is promised for tomorrow's picnic.
fête, festival, kermis or kirmess, exhibition, exposition, show, market, bazaar, mart, exhibit
Ashby will judge the sheep at the annual fair.
honest, above-board, honourable, lawful, trustworthy, legitimate, proper, upright, straightforward
He won the trophy in a fair fight.
satisfactory, adequate, respectable, pretty good, tolerable, passable, all right, average, decent, middling, reasonable, comme ci, comme ‡a, not bad, mediocre, indifferent, so so, OK, okay
The performance was fair but not outstanding.
unobstructed, open, clear, free
Every spectator has a fair view of the football field.
impartial, even-handed, disinterested, equitable, just, unprejudiced, unbiased, objective, square
Judge Leaver is known for his fair decisions. We are counting on your sense of fair play.
civil, courteous, polite, gracious, agreeable
She was not deceived by his fair words.
light, blond(e), fair-haired, flaxen-haired, tow-headed, tow-haired, light-complexioned, peaches and cream, rosy, unblemished, clear, spotless, immaculate
She has fair hair and fair skin.
Search Google for Fair:
Free / Market / Clear / Civil / Show / Open / Light / Square / Ok / Fine / Dry / Just / Benign
Business / Agriculture / Fair Market Value (FMV): The amount in cash, or on terms reasonably equivalent to cash, for which in all probability something might be sold by a knowledgeable owner to a knowledgeable purchaser. Several federal statutes stat MORE
Technology / Aviation / Fairing: An added streamlining structure or auxiliary member, most often of light metal, whose only purpose is to reduce drag. Fairings are not load-bearing and, therefore, are not meant to carry any principal MORE
Business / Accounting / Fair Market Value: The current value of an asset, e.g., the amount at which an asset could be sold or purchased in an arm's-length transaction. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Unfair Labor Practice (ULP): An unfair labor practice (ULP) is a violation of a right protected by the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute. The ULP procedures provided by the Statute are part of the basic mechanism MORE
Business / Finance / Fair-And-Equitable Test: In the context of futures, the equilibrium price for futures contracts. Also called the theoretical futures price, which equals the spot price continuously compounded at the cost of carry rate for som MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Fairway Bunker: A sand or deep grass hazard situated in, or adjacent to, the fairway MORE