Other Words for Support

Support Noun Synonyms
pay for, fund, maintain, keep, finance, subsidize, underwrite, sponsor, bankroll
I can no longer support myself or my family.

tolerate, bear, stand (for), suffer, submit to, undergo, brook, stomach, endure, abide, countenance, face, stick, put up with
He cannot support the notion that she might be guilty.

Support Verb Synonyms
sustain, withstand, stand, take, bear, tolerate, hold up under, weather
His legs were too weak to support his own weight.

verify, corroborate, authenticate, vouch for, endorse, confirm, affirm, bear out, attest to, certify, substantiate, validate, ratify
Can anyone support his alibi.

help, backing, backup, reinforcement, bolstering, encouragement, reinforcing, fortifying, assistance, aid, succor, sustenance
Thank you for your support over the years.

back (up), stand by, help, bolster, uphold, brace, strengthen, fortify, buttress, prop (up), shore up, reinforce, boost, champion, assist, take up the cudgels for, aid, promote, forward, second, advance, advocate, stand up for, be supportive (of or in), C
Peterson agreed to support him in his bid for the presidency.

brace, prop, stay, frame, foundation, underpinning, substructure, truss, beam, column, pillar, strut, guy, guy wire, mainstay, buttress, bolster, reinforcement, supporter
The supports failed under the grandstand and it fell, injuring a few. Alan was a tremendous support during my illness.

brace, hold up, carry, prop (up), strengthen, shore up, reinforce, fortify, buttress
You need a column to support this beam.

sustenance, (living) expenses, keep, maintenance, subsistence, upkeep, finances, funding
Mona is suing David for the support of their child. He lives mainly on government support.

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More Words for Support

Frame / Second / Stay / Help / Stand / Face / Stick / Keep / Aid / Take / Forward

Dairy Price Support Program

Business / Agriculture / Dairy Price Support Program: The federal program that maintains a minimum farm price for milk used in the manufacture of dairy products. The CCC indirectly assures a minimum price for milk by purchasing any cheddar cheese, nonfat MORE

Peanut Price Support Program

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Tobacco Price Support Program

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Sugar Price Support Program

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Aggregate Measure Of Support (AMS)

Business / Agriculture / Aggregate Measure Of Support (AMS): An indicator of the amount of domestic support for agriculture. As used in the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture, the AMS refers to a measure of the gap between domestic and world prices multipli MORE