Aggregate Measure Of Support (AMS)

Business / Agriculture / Aggregate Measure Of Support (AMS): An indicator of the amount of domestic support for agriculture. As used in the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture, the AMS refers to a measure of the gap between domestic and world prices multiplied by the quantity supported, plus any other commodity-specific transfers. Internal or domestic support reduction commitments in the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture are expressed in terms of reductions in a total AMS covering all trade-distorting internal support measures for agriculture.
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Other Words for Measure

Measure Noun Synonyms: system, standard, criterion, rule, method, barometer, Richter scale
Measure Adjective Synonyms: scale, gauge or technical gage, yardstick, rule, litmus test
Measure Adverb Synonyms: amount, quantity, magnitude, amplitude, size, bulk, mass, extent, reach, dimension, scope, proportions, range, spread, capacity, volume, width, length, breadth, height, weight

Other Words for Support

Support Verb Synonyms: back (up), stand by, help, bolster, uphold, brace, strengthen, fortify, buttress, prop (up), shore up, reinforce, boost, champion, assist, take up the cudgels for, aid, promote, forward, second, advance, advocate, stand up for, be supportive (of or in), C
Support Noun Synonyms: tolerate, bear, stand (for), suffer, submit to, undergo, brook, stomach, endure, abide, countenance, face, stick, put up with

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