Style Adjective Synonyms
luxury, high style, comfort, opulence, splendour, elegance
Now that he's won all that money, they live in style on the Costa Smeralda.
chic, stylishness, taste, smartness, flair, dash, panache, cachet, tastefulness, fashionableness, elegance, refinement, polish, sophistication, sophisticatedness, cosmopolitanism, pizazz, ritziness
Irena has more style in her little finger than you have in your whole body.
Style Noun Synonyms
fashion, design, arrange, set, do, cut, tailor, shape, form
Antoine styled my hair in a page-boy for the reception.
quality, character, mode of expression, approach, treatment, vein, colouring, spirit, mood, form, technique, tenor, tone, wording, phraseology, phrasing, language, vocabulary, word choice, diction, sentence structure
The pointillist style of painting appeals to many. His style of writing is reminiscent of Stevenson's.
fashion, trend, vogue, mode, look, rage, craze, fad, (latest) thing
The current style is for shorter skirts.
type, kind, variety, category, genre, sort, manner, mode, make, design, fashion, look, period, pattern, configuration, line, cut, shape, form
That style of jacket looks really good on you. They are planning to build the house in the pointed Gothic style.
characterize, designate, denominate, call, name, term, label, tag, brand
The use of the indicative for the subjunctive is no longer styled a solecism inish English.
Search Google for Style:
Taste / Character / Brand / Kind / Make / Spirit / Cut / Arrange / Name / Line / Type / Form / Call / Tag / Sort / Set / Tone / Look
Technology / Computers / Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): Stands for Cascading Style Sheets. This is a language designed to work with HTML documents on the Web. CSS is generally used to provide a specific appearance or style to a web page or site. A common u MORE
Business / Taxes / European Style Option: A listed option that you can exercise only on the last trading day before the expiration date is called a European style option whether it trades on a US exchange, a European exchange, or elsewhere in MORE
Business / Finance / Bottom-Up Equity Management Style: A management style that de-emphasizes the significance of economic and market cycles, focusing instead on the analysis of individual stocks. MORE
Business / Finance / American-Style Option: An option contract that can be exercised at any time between the date of purchase and the expiration date. Most exchange-traded options are American style. MORE
Health / Fitness / Lifestyle Walking: A casual walking technique that is low to moderate intensity and relatively slow paced. Most lifestyle walkers walk an average of 2.5 to 3.5 miles per hour, which means that they walk about 1 mile eve MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Periodic Style: A style of writing in which the sentences tend to be periodic. See discussion under periodic sentence, above. Periodic style in English is usually considered indirect or artificially 'artsy' in compar MORE