Solid Adjective Synonyms
steady, stable, stalwart, dependable, sturdy, strong, substantial, sound, firm, well-built, well-constructed, well-made, tough, durable, rugged, stout
That chair is not solid enough for you to stand on.
cogent, sound, concrete, weighty, proved, provable, valid, reasonable, sensible, rational, sober, well-founded, authoritative, indisputable, incontrovertible, irrefutable, incontestable, good, powerful, potent, forceful, convincing, persuasive
He presents a solid argument for a sales tax.
law-abiding, upstanding, upright, decent, stout, substantial, powerful, reliable, regular, steady, steadfast, stalwart, straight, estimable, sure, trusty, trustworthy, true-blue, worthy, dependable, sober
Mr. Hart is one of the solid citizens of this town. He has always been a solid defender of the underdog.
filled (in or up), packed, jammed, crowded, teeming, congested, crammed, swarming, compressed, concentrated, chock-a-block, jam-packed, chock-full
By the time I arrived, the gallery was solid with people.
entire, complete, whole, continuous, uninterrupted, undivided, unbroken, unrelieved, blank, windowless
I had to wait at the dentist's for a solid hour. Around the park they erected a solid wall.
compact, firm, hard, stable, unshakeable or unshakable, unshaky, substantial, concrete, sturdy, sound, stout, strong
The vessel floated through the air before coming to rest on solid ground. His theories rest on a solid foundation.
firm, downright, vigorous, telling, effective, forceful, potent, powerful, mighty, dynamic, thorough, through-and-through, intensive
Jan struck a solid blow against the supporters of abortion.
Solid Noun Synonyms
consistent, homogeneous, uniform, unalloyed, unmixed, pure, continuous, unbroken, real, authentic, true, genuine, 24-carat, unadulterated, honest-to-God
This mountain seems to be solid iron all the way through. John gave me a solid gold necklace for my birthday.
three-dimensional, cubic
The perspective drawing is a representation of a solid object.
Search Google for Solid:
Sure / Packed / Hard / Tough / Worthy / Sound / Real / Whole / Thorough / Pure / Good / Dynamic / Straight / Forceful / Strong / Compact
Business / Loan / Loan Consolidation: The combining of a number of loans into a single new loan. Consolidation typically extends your repayment period and lowers your monthly payments, thereby greatly increasing the amount of interest you MORE
Business / Construction / Solid Bridging: A solid member placed between adjacent floor joists near the center of the span to prevent joists or rafters from twisting. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Solid Waste: Non-liquid, non-soluble materials ranging from municipal garbage to industrial wastes that contain complex and sometimes hazardous substances. Solid wastes also include sewage sludge, agricultural ref MORE
Technology / Rockets / Solid Rocket Booster (SBR): Solid Rocket Boosters are boosters which are strapped onto the side of a rocket to assist in liftoff which then fall away from the rocket once the solid propellant has burned out. Examples of NASA roc MORE
Business / Real Estate / Solid Core Door: A door where the inner material (core) is made of solid wood. This type door is usually used for doors to the outside or garage. MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Solid Square: A very accurate try square in which a steel blade is set firmly into a solid, rectangular-shaped handle so that each edge of the blade makes an angle of exactly 90?? with the inner face (side) of the MORE