Other Words for Straight

Straight Adjective Synonyms
heterosexual, normal, hetero
Till Evelyn came out of the closet, I thought he was straight.

(straight) ahead
Go straight for a mile and you'll see it on the right.

undiluted, neat, unmixed, pure, unadulterated, uncut, unmodified, unaltered, unalloyed
He likes his whisky straight.

direct, unbending, undeviating, uncurved, regular, linear
The tracks are straight for as far as the eye can see.

erect, vertical, upright, upstanding, perpendicular, plumb
Stop slouching and stand up straight. He stood straight as a ramrod.

sober, staid, sedate, serious, unsmiling, unemotional, impassive, emotionless, taciturn, composed, mask-like
It was impossible to keep a straight face during the school play.

direct, point-blank, straightforward, straight from the shoulder, candid, outright, plain, frank, no-nonsense
Do you mind answering a straight question.

directly, right, undeviatingly, unswervingly, as the crow flies, in a beeline
I should have known she would go straight to the police.

even, square, settled, straightened out, agreed
The account will be straight when Dick makes the last payment.

Straight Verb Synonyms
even, square, true, right, flat, smooth, horizontal, level
Are you sure that the billiard table is straight.

unequivocal, unambiguous, straightforward, candid, plain, simple, explicit, blunt, unembellished, unelaborated, unqualified, outright, accurate
The straight facts are given in this article. The police cannot get a straight story out of him as to his whereabouts last night.

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More Words for Straight

Square / Simple / Smooth / Neat / Right / Pure / Even / Level / Flat / Plumb

Straight Note

Business / Real Estate / Straight Note: A promissory note evidencing a loan in which payments of interest only are made periodically during the term of the note, with the principal payment due in one lump sum upon maturity. A straight note MORE

Straight Whiskey

Entertainment / Liquor / Straight Whiskey: In the United States, a blended straight whiskey is a blend of several mature rye or bourbon whiskeys, as opposed to a blended whiskey in which bourbon or rye whiskey is mixed with an inferior whiskey MORE


Entertainment / Football / Straight-Arm: A ballcarrier warding off a would-be tackler by pushing them away with a straight arm. MORE

Straight Life

Business / Taxes / Straight Life: A straight life insurance policy is a type of permanent insurance that provides a guaranteed death benefit and has fixed premiums. This traditional life insurance is sometimes also known as whole life MORE

Straight-Line Method

Business / Finance / Straight-Line Method: Amortizing or apportioning an equal dollar amount of depreciation in each accounting period. MORE

Straight Photography

Entertainment / Photography / Straight Photography: Term used to describe picture making with minimal manipulation of the photographic process. MORE