Refuge Adjective Synonyms
sanctuary, shelter, haven, asylum, protection, cover, retreat, harbor, security, safe house, stronghold, citadel, bolt-hole, hideaway, hide-out, hidy-hole or hidey-hole
The abandoned mine served as a refuge from the storm.
Refuge Noun Synonyms
excuse, pretext, resort, recourse, ruse, trick, stratagem, subterfuge, dodge, evasion, expedient
Patriotism is often the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Search Google for Refuge:
Trick / Shelter / Cover / Protection
Business / Agriculture / National Wildlife Refuge System (NWRS): Consists of all of the National Wildlife Refuges, the Waterfowl Production Areas, and certain other small tracts managed by states under cooperative agreements with the Fish and Wildlife Service. In g MORE
Business / Agriculture / Wildlife Refuges: Units of the National Wildlife Refuge System. They may be designated under general authorities of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the Endangered Species Act, or (rarely) by specific acts of Congress. T MORE
Business / Agriculture / Waterfowl Production Areas: A small component of the National Wildlife Refuge System. There are over 2,000,000 acres of this prime duck-producing land, mostly prairie potholes in the Dakotas, Minnesota, and Montana. The Fish and MORE
Business / Agriculture / Fish And Wildlife Service (FWS): FWS, in the Department of the Interior, is the federal agency charged with managing and protecting the nation?€™s wild plants and animals, including endangered and threatened species. It generally MORE
Business / Agriculture / Department Of The Interior (DOI): This cabinet-level agency, also known as the Home Department, was created on March 3, 1849 by an Act of Congress to oversee and manage the vast national or public domain. Today the Department includes MORE