Department Of The Interior (DOI)

Business / Agriculture / Department Of The Interior (DOI): This cabinet-level agency, also known as the Home Department, was created on March 3, 1849 by an Act of Congress to oversee and manage the vast national or public domain. Today the Department includes eight bureaus whose functions include managing National Parks and National Wildlife Refuges, collecting revenues from mineral resources, and operating programs developing, protecting, and enhancing resources on the Nation?€™s public lands.
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Other Words for Department

Department Verb Synonyms: division, subdivision, branch, office, bureau, section, segment, unit, part
Department Noun Synonyms: responsibility, concern, worry, sphere, bailiwick, jurisdiction, domain, control, area or sphere of influence or activity

Other Words for Interior

Interior Adjective Synonyms: inner, private, intimate, personal, individual, secret, hidden, veiled
Interior Noun Synonyms: inside, internal, inner, inward

Other Words for The

The Adjective Synonyms: drama, the stage, dramaturgy, dramatic or Thespian or histrionic art(s), the boards, show business, showbiz

Poverty Of Speech

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Power Of Attorney

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Poultry Products Inspection Act Of 1957

Business / Agriculture / Poultry Products Inspection Act Of 1957: P.L. 85-172 (August 28, 1957), as amended by the Wholesome Poultry Products Act of 1968 (P.L. 90-492, August 18, 1968), requires USDA to inspect all 'domesticated birds' when slaughtered and processed MORE