Entertainment / Music / Spiritual Minimalism: Contemporary musical style related to minimalism, characterized by a weak pulse and long chains of lush progressions, either tonal or modal.
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Spiritual Noun Synonyms: sacred, ecclesiastic(al), churchly, clerical, priestly, devotional, holy, divine, sacerdotal, religious, non-secular
Entertainment / Music / Spiritual Minimalism: Contemporary musical style related to minimalism, characterized by a weak pulse and long chains of lush progressions, either tonal or modal. MORE
Entertainment / Music / Spiritual: Folklike devotional genre of the United States, sung by African-Americans and whites. MORE
Health / Massage / Spiritual Massage Healing: Spinal release allows therapists to correct distortions of the central nervous system and restore the body?€™s center of gravity. The therapist works with techniques that address the eight muscle MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Spiritual Autobiography: An autobiography (usually Christian) that focuses on an individual's spiritual growth. The plot is typically chronological in structure, and it usually focuses on inner struggles within the narrator, MORE
Entertainment / Music / Minimalist Music: Contemporary musical style featuring the repetition of short melodic, rhythmic and harmonic patterns with little variation. See also spiritual minimalism. MORE