Spiritual Minimalism

Entertainment / Music / Spiritual Minimalism: Contemporary musical style related to minimalism, characterized by a weak pulse and long chains of lush progressions, either tonal or modal.
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Other Words for Spiritual

Spiritual Noun Synonyms: sacred, ecclesiastic(al), churchly, clerical, priestly, devotional, holy, divine, sacerdotal, religious, non-secular

Spiritual Minimalism

Entertainment / Music / Spiritual Minimalism: Contemporary musical style related to minimalism, characterized by a weak pulse and long chains of lush progressions, either tonal or modal. MORE


Entertainment / Music / Spiritual: Folklike devotional genre of the United States, sung by African-Americans and whites. MORE

Spiritual Massage Healing

Health / Massage / Spiritual Massage Healing: Spinal release allows therapists to correct distortions of the central nervous system and restore the body?€™s center of gravity. The therapist works with techniques that address the eight muscle MORE

Spiritual Autobiography

Entertainment / Literature / Spiritual Autobiography: An autobiography (usually Christian) that focuses on an individual's spiritual growth. The plot is typically chronological in structure, and it usually focuses on inner struggles within the narrator, MORE

Minimalist Music

Entertainment / Music / Minimalist Music: Contemporary musical style featuring the repetition of short melodic, rhythmic and harmonic patterns with little variation. See also spiritual minimalism. MORE