Labor Adjective Synonyms
toil, (hard) work, travail, exertion, effort, laboriousness, strain, drudgery, pains, industry, slavery, donkey-work, sweat, grind, elbow-grease, swot
They know the labour involved in building a road.
employees, workers, wage-earners, labourers
A meeting between labour and management is scheduled for today.
Labor Noun Synonyms
dwell on, overdo, overemphasize, harp on, overstress, strain, belabour
I heard you the first time, so don't labour the point.
travail, childbirth, parturition, labour pains, contractions, delivery
She went into labour at midnight, the twins were born just after four.
work, toil, travail, drudge, strain, strive, struggle, slave, sweat, grind, peg away (at), swot
We laboured hard to get where we are today.
effort, task, job, chore, undertaking
Raising funds for the museum was a labour of love.
Search Google for Labor:
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Bureau Of Labor Statistics (BLS): The principal fact-finding agency for the federal government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics. The BLS is an independent national statistical agency that collects, processes, analy MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Indirect Labor: Used to define labor that is necessary to support the manufacturing of a product, but is not directly involved with the actual process of manufacturing the product. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Labor-Management Contract: A binding agreement governing wages, benefits, representation rights and other working conditions between a labor union and management. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Farm Labor Housing Loans: Section 514 loans are available through the Rural Housing Service to qualified farm owners for the purpose of providing housing to domestic farm labor. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Of 1938: An act that covers public agencies and businesses engaged in interstate commerce or providing goods and services for commerce. The FLSA provides guidelines on employment status, child labor, minimum w MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Labor Certification: Labor certification is a statement from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) that a particular position at a particular company is 'open' because no U.S. workers who satisfy the minimum requirements for MORE