Business / Agriculture / Farm Labor Housing Loans: Section 514 loans are available through the Rural Housing Service to qualified farm owners for the purpose of providing housing to domestic farm labor.
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Farm Interjectionection Synonyms: farmstead, farmhouse, grange, homestead, holding, land, farmland, acreage, arable, steading, smallholding, allotment, farm-toun, croft
Farm Noun Synonyms: cultivate, work the land, till the soil
Housing Verb Synonyms: homes, houses, lodging(s), quarters, accommodation, habitation, dwelling, shelter, protection
Labor Adjective Synonyms: toil, (hard) work, travail, exertion, effort, laboriousness, strain, drudgery, pains, industry, slavery, donkey-work, sweat, grind, elbow-grease, swot
Labor Noun Synonyms: effort, task, job, chore, undertaking
Business / Real Estate / Modular Housing: A relatively recent concept in home construction, aimed at producing housing more economically and faster through prefabricating processes, also called prefabricated housing. Modular methods expedite MORE
Science / Genetics / Molecular Farming: The development of transgenic animals to produce human proteins for medical use. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Multi-Lender Rule Loans: Loans involving 10 or fewer investors regulated by the Corporation Commissioner. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Marketing Assistance Loans: Nonrecourse loans made available to producers of wheat, feed grains, upland and ELS cotton, rice, soybeans, and minor oilseeds under the Agricultural Market Transition Act provisions in the FAIR Act o MORE
Business / Finance / Manufactured Housing Securities (MHS): Loans on manufactured homes-that is, factory-built or prefabricated housing, including mobile homes. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Labor-Management Contract: A binding agreement governing wages, benefits, representation rights and other working conditions between a labor union and management. MORE