Bureau Of Labor Statistics (BLS)

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Bureau Of Labor Statistics (BLS): The principal fact-finding agency for the federal government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics. The BLS is an independent national statistical agency that collects, processes, analyzes and disseminates essential statistical data to the American public, the U.S. Congress, other federal agencies, state and local governments, business and labor. BLS also serves as a statistical resource to the Department of Labor.
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Other Words for Bureau

Bureau Noun Synonyms: (writing-)desk, chest of drawers, chest, dresser, chifferobe, chiffonier

Other Words for Labor

Labor Adjective Synonyms: toil, (hard) work, travail, exertion, effort, laboriousness, strain, drudgery, pains, industry, slavery, donkey-work, sweat, grind, elbow-grease, swot
Labor Noun Synonyms: effort, task, job, chore, undertaking


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