Other Words for Fund

Fund Adjective Synonyms
supply, stock, reserve, store, pool, cache, reservoir, repository, mine
Alison is a veritable fund of information about art.

Fund Noun Synonyms
finance, back, capitalize, stake, support, pay for, endow, grant, subsidize
The company has funded a number of new businesses.

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More Words for Fund

Store / Back / Grant / Supply / Support / Reserve / Mine / Stock / Pool

Federal Funds

Business / Finance / Federal Funds: A federal institution that lends to a wide array of federal credit agencies funds it obtains by borrowing from the U.S. Treasury. MORE

Fund Of Funds

Business / Finance / Fund Of Funds: The person whose responsibility it is to oversee the allocation of the pool of money invested in a particular mutual fund. The fund manager is charged with investing the money to attain the returns an MORE

Resolution Funding Corporation (Refcorp)

Business / Finance / Resolution Funding Corporation (Refcorp): A government agency established by Congress in 1989 to issue bailout bonds and raise funds for the activities of the Resolution Trust Corporation, as well as to administer struggling institutions inhe MORE

Lipper Mutual Fund Industry Average

Business / Finance / Lipper Mutual Fund Industry Average: The average level of performance for all mutual funds, as reported by Lipper Analytical Services. MORE

Balanced Fund

Business / Finance / Balanced Fund: An investment company that invests in stocks and bonds. The same as a balanced mutual fund. MORE

Funding Ratio

Business / Finance / Funding Ratio: Used to describe the refinancing of a debt prior to its maturity (the same as refunding). In corporate finance refers to the floating of bonds to raise finance and levels of capital. See also: refundi MORE