Stock Adjective Synonyms
livestock, (domestic or farm) animals, cattle, beasts, horses, cows, oxen, sheep, goats
Don't forget to water the stock before driving to the village.
Stock Noun Synonyms
standard, ordinary, regular, routine, staple
The shop does not carry 'extra tall' or 'extra short', only stock sizes.
pedigree, bloodline, house, dynasty, (line of) descent, genealogy, extraction, roots, lineage, family, ancestry, parentage, breeding, heritage
Her mother was concerned that she should marry someone of good stock.
source, progenitor, creator, father, begetter, forefather, ancestor, precursor, forerunner, forebear, founder
He might well provide the stock for a new line of kings.
carry, have, have or make available, handle, deal in, market, sell, supply, furnish, provide, offer, trade in, keep
The shop stocked a wide range of hardware.
routine, stereotyped, banal, clichéd, commonplace,ual, hackneyed, ordinary, stale, staple, run-of-the-mill, tired, old, everyday, customary, set, standard, traditional, trite, worn out, corny
Ask him how he is and you always get his stock reply, 'Fair to meddling'.
share, ownership, investment, capital, funds, property, assets
He owned ten shares of stock in the corporation. The company's stock is worth next to nothing today.
Stock Verb Synonyms
supply, store, inventory, stockpile, reserve, reservoir, cache, hoard, wares, merchandise, goods, selection, assortment, range, variety, array
One can select something suitable from the stock at the local wine shop.
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Market / Keep / Old / Reserve / Family / Store / Set / Supply / Share / Father / Range / Tired / House / Property / Offer
Business / Finance / Stock Exchanges: Formerly the Bombay stock exchange, the BSE accounts for more than one-third of Indian trading volume. MORE
Business / Finance / Stock Selection: Another terminology for a stock option. MORE
Business / Finance / International Stock Exchange Of The U.K. And The Republic Of Ireland (ISE): Organization that replaced the London stock exchange after its merger with the International Securities Regulatory Organization (ISRO). MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Incentive Stock Option: An employee stock option plan that allows options to be granted or exercised on a tax-deferred basis. All gains on options are taxed only when the holder sells the stock. MORE
Business / Finance / Tracking Stock: In an indexing strategy, the standard deviation of the difference between the performance of the benchmark and the replicating portfolio. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Stock Cooperative: Ownership of real property by a corporation where each stockholder is entitled to occupancy of a unit under a lease. MORE