Other Words for Estate

Estate Noun Synonyms
property, holdings, assets, capital, resources, wealth, fortune, belongings, possessions, chattels
The estate was divided among the heirs.

development, (housing or industrial or trading) estate
They live in a council house on an estate near Reading.

property, holdings, domain, demesne, land, landed estate, manor, mansion
They live on a large estate in the south of France.

estate of the realm, class, caste, order, standing, position, (social) status, state, station, place, situation, stratum, level, rank
By virtue of her high estate, she is entitled to certain privileges.

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Property / Order / Station / State / Level / Class / Position

Real Estate Educators Association (REEA)

Business / Real Estate / Real Estate Educators Association (REEA): A professional organization established by and for real estate educators, including individuals and institutions. REEA is international in scope and represents every aspect of real estate education wh MORE

Institute Of Real Estate Management (IREM)

Business / Real Estate / Institute Of Real Estate Management (IREM): A national organization concerned with professional management of real estate. The professional designation conferred by IREM is ARM, Accredited Resident Manager. MORE

Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA)

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Real Estate Advisory Commission

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Estate (Tenancy) At Sufferance

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Conventional Life Estate

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