Other Words for Peer

Peer Noun Synonyms
equal, coequal, compeer, like, match, confrŠre, associate, colleague
Under law, he is entitled to trial by a jury of his peers.

peep, peek, squint (at), squinny (at), look, examine, spy
Scrooge peered closely at the accounts ledger.

noble, nobleman or noblewoman, lord or lady, aristocrat, duke or duchess, marquess or marchioness, earl or countess, viscount or viscountess, baron or baroness
As a peer of the realm, she had certain rights.

appear, peep through or out, break through, show, become visible, emerge
Now and then, the moon peered through the clouds.

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More Words for Peer

Show / Look / Equal / Appear / Examine / Noble / Associate / Match

Peer Appraisal

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Peer Appraisal: A performance appraisal strategy whereby an employee is reviewed by his or her peers who have sufficient opportunity to examine the individual?€™s job performance. MORE

Peer-Reviewed Journal

Entertainment / Literature / Peer-Reviewed Journal: Also called a refereed journal, a juried publication, a scholarly journal, or a critical journal, a peer-reviewed journal is a periodical publication with strict standards for accuracy and clear think MORE

Peer-To-Peer (P2P)

Technology / Computers / Peer-To-Peer (P2P): A type of network in which each workstation has equivalent capabilities and responsibilities. This differs from client/server architectures, in which some computers are dedicated to serving the others MORE

Peer Review

Health / Health Insurance / Peer Review: The analysis of a clinician's care by a group of that clinician's professional colleagues. The provider's care is generally compared to applicable standards of care, and the group's analysis is used a MORE

Peer Review Organizations (Pros)

Health / Health Insurance / Peer Review Organizations (Pros): According to the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, organizations or groups of practicing physicians and other healthcare professionals paid by the federal government to review and evaluate the services pro MORE

360-Degree Feedback

Business / Human Resources (HR) / 360-Degree Feedback: An appraisal process whereby an individual is rated on his or her performance by people who know something about the individual?€™s work. This can include direct reports, peers, managers, customer MORE