Sensitive Adjective Synonyms
finely tuned, delicate, responsive, subtle, acute, reactive, receptive
We need a more sensitive test to detect neutrinos. This radio is not sensitive enough to receive distant stations.
touchy, susceptible, susceptive, reactive, responsive, attuned, impressionable, emotional, thin-skinned, vulnerable, supersensitive, hypersensitive, testy, irascible, quarrelsome, irritable, volatile, excitable, temperamental, petulant, hot-tempered, quic
Liz is very sensitive on the subject of being unmarried, I shouldn't bring it up.
delicate, tender, sore, susceptible
My arm is still sensitive where I got the injection.
Search Google for Sensitive:
Entertainment / Photography / Blue Sensitive: Sensitive to blue light only. All silver halides used in traditional black and white emulsions are sensitive to blue light, but early photographic materials had only this sensitivity. MORE
Business / Finance / Interest-Sensitive Stock: Stocks whose earnings are dependent upon and change with the interest rate, e.g., bank stocks. MORE
Business / Finance / Sensitive Market: A market that reacts to a great extent to good or bad news. MORE
Business / Finance / Interest-Sensitive Insurance Policy: A cash value life insurance policy whose insurance dividend rates vary with respect to inflation, enabling the policyholder to avoid the loss of purchasing power associated with inflation. MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Topic-Sensitive PageRank: Method of computing PageRank which instead of producing a single global score creates topic related PageRank scores. MORE
Technology / Motors / Thermistor-Thermally Sensitive Resistor: A semiconductor used to measure temperature: can be attached to an alarm or meter to detect motor overheating. MORE