Other Words for Cooperation

Cooperation Noun Synonyms
support, help, aid, assistance, patronage, backing, advocacy, favor, helping hand, friendship, blessing, sponsorship, auspices, backup
We needed the cooperation of people like you to mount the exhibition.

Cooperation Verb Synonyms
collaboration, teamwork, interaction, synergism or synergy
Only through cooperation will we be able to achieve success.

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More Words for Cooperation

Patronage / Help / Support / Aid

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum

Business / Agriculture / Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum: Established in 1989, APEC is a formal institution with a permanent secretariat located in Singapore. Its original 12 members include Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Canada, Japan, South Kor MORE

Organization For Economic Development And Cooperation (OECD)

Business / Agriculture / Organization For Economic Development And Cooperation (OECD): An international organization established by the United States, Canada and certain Western European countries in 1960. The OECD studies and discusses trade and related matters. Its current 29 members MORE

Broker Cooperation

Business / Real Estate / Broker Cooperation: Working with outside licensed real estate brokers who have prospective tenants in exchange for a finders fee or commission split. MORE

Pre-Admission Review

Health / Health Insurance / Pre-Admission Review: A review of an individual's health care status or condition, prior to an individual being admitted to an inpatient health care facility, such as a hospital. Pre-admission reviews are often conducted b MORE

Bank For International Settlements (BIS)

Business / Finance / Bank For International Settlements (BIS): An international bank headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, which serves as a forum for monetary cooperation among several European central banks, the Bank of Japan, and the U.S. Federal Reserve System MORE


Science / Biology / Societies: The most highly organized type of social organization; consist of individuals that show varying degrees of cooperation and communication with one another; often have a rigid division of labor. MORE