Pre-Admission Review

Health / Health Insurance / Pre-Admission Review: A review of an individual's health care status or condition, prior to an individual being admitted to an inpatient health care facility, such as a hospital. Pre-admission reviews are often conducted by case managers or insurance company representatives (usually nurses) in cooperation with the individual, his or her physician or health care provider, and hospitals.
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Other Words for Review

Review Noun Synonyms: survey, examine, regard, look at, study, con, consider, weigh, inspect, look over, scrutinize
Review Verb Synonyms: criticize, critique, assess, judge, evaluate, give one's opinion of, comment on or upon, discuss

Pre-Admission Certification

Health / Health Insurance / Pre-Admission Certification: Also called pre-certification review, or pre-admission review. Approval by a case manager or insurance company representative (usually a nurse) for a person to be admitted to a hospital or in-patient MORE

Reciprocal Review

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Reciprocal Review: An appraisal method where the subordinate and the manager are evaluated by each other based on agreed-upon performance criteria. MORE

Progress Review

Business / Finance / Progress Review: A periodic review of a capital investment project to evaluate its continued economic viability. MORE