Other Words for Condition

Condition Adjective Synonyms
state, circumstance(s), shape
What condition is the house in? My bank account is in a poor condition.

Condition Noun Synonyms
stipulation, proviso, demand, requirement, term, qualification, contingency, requisite, prerequisite
The terrorists have announced their conditions for releasing the hostages.

working order, fitness, shape, form, fettle, health
He's in good condition, but his car isn't.

ready, get or make ready, prepare, equip, outfit, fit (out or up), adapt, modify
The mechanics are conditioning the plane for high-altitude flights.

Condition Verb Synonyms
train, educate, teach, brainwash, influence, mould, persuade
The children were conditioned to avoid talking to strangers.

accustom, inure, adapt, acclimate, acclimatize
At this training base, we condition the commandos to all kinds of hardships.

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More Words for Condition

Demand / Form / Health / Ready / State

Conditional Acceptance-Admission

Lifestyle / College / Conditional Acceptance-Admission: Acceptance letter offering a place in a university or college program to an academically qualified student, subject to meeting a specified condition (often completion of English language studies or ac MORE

Condition Subsequent

Business / Real Estate / Condition Subsequent: A fee simple estate, may be qualified by a condition subsequent. This means that the new owner must not perform some action or activity. The former owner retains a right of reentry so that if the cond MORE

Overspeed Condition

Technology / Aviation / Overspeed Condition: A condition of the propeller operating system in which the propeller is operating above the RPM for which the governor control is set. This causes the propeller blades to be in a lower angle than that MORE

Flat Condition

Entertainment / Bowling / Flat Condition: A lane oiling pattern that places the same amount of oil across the entire width of the lane. Usually a very challenging condition as there is no block or crown; can be very low scoring if it deterior MORE

Pre-Existing Condition Limitations

Health / Dentistry / Pre-Existing Condition Limitations: When an employee has a physical or mental condition that existed prior to the effective date of his or her insurance coverage, it is considered a pre-existing condition. Most plans exclude or decrease MORE

Medical Condition

Health / First Aid / Medical Condition: A condition may also be a disease or a sign of a disease. MORE