Health Verb Synonyms
healthiness, haleness, healthfulness, robustness, vigor, vigorousness, salubrity, salubriousness, well-being, strength
The health of the economy is good.
condition, fitness, trim, fettle, form, constitution
My health has improved enough for me to return to work.
Search Google for Health:
Health / Disease / No Public Health Hazard: A category used in ATSDR's public health assessment documents for sites where people have never and will never come into contact with harmful amounts of site-related substances. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Health Maintenance Services: Any health care service or program that helps maintain a person's good health. Health maintenance services include all standard preventive medical practices, such as immunizations and periodic examina MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Health Savings Accounts (HSA): A tax-free account that can be used by employees to pay for qualified medical expenses. Contributions do not have to be spent the year they are deposited. Money in the account earns interest and accum MORE
Business / Taxes / Health Insurance: Health insurance covers some or all of the cost of treating an insured person?€™s illnesses or injuries. In some cases, it pays for preventive care, such as annual physicals and diagnostic tests. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Newborns And Mothers Health Protection Act (NMHPA) Of 1996: Requires a minimum length of hospital confinement in conjunction with childbirth. This requirement applies to health plans and health insurance companies that provide hospital stays for childbirth in MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Health Maintenance Organizations (Hmos): Health Maintenance Organizations represent 'pre-paid' or 'capitated' insurance plans in which individuals or their employers pay a fixed monthly fee for services, instead of a separate charge for each MORE