Overspeed Condition

Technology / Aviation / Overspeed Condition: A condition of the propeller operating system in which the propeller is operating above the RPM for which the governor control is set. This causes the propeller blades to be in a lower angle than that required for constant speed operation.
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Other Words for Condition

Condition Verb Synonyms: train, educate, teach, brainwash, influence, mould, persuade
Condition Noun Synonyms: stipulation, proviso, demand, requirement, term, qualification, contingency, requisite, prerequisite
Condition Adjective Synonyms: state, circumstance(s), shape

Operant Conditioning

Science / Psychiatry / Operant Conditioning: A process by which the results of the persons behavior determine whether the behavior is more or less likely to occur in the future. MORE

Overspeed Condition

Technology / Aviation / Overspeed Condition: A condition of the propeller operating system in which the propeller is operating above the RPM for which the governor control is set. This causes the propeller blades to be in a lower angle than that MORE

Pavolovian Conditioning

Science / Psychiatry / Pavolovian Conditioning: Elicitation of a response by a stimulus that normally does not elicit that response. The response is one that is mediated primarily by the autonomic nervous system (such as salivation or a change in h MORE

Pre-Existing Condition

Health / Dentistry / Pre-Existing Condition: A health condition (other than a pregnancy) or medical problem that was diagnosed or treated before enrollment in a new health plan or insurance policy. MORE

Mind-Body Conditioning

Health / Pilates / Mind-Body Conditioning: The Pilates Method stresses the blend of Western and Eastern approaches to well-being. The Western approach is dynamic, with the emphasis on motion, muscle tone, and strength. The Eastern approach is MORE

Medical Condition

Health / First Aid / Medical Condition: A condition may also be a disease or a sign of a disease. MORE