Other Words for Bound

Bound Adjective Synonyms
likely, certain, sure, destined, predestined, fated, doomed
He is bound to get the sack if he goes on turning up late.

tied, fast, fixed, fastened, confined, secured
We were bound hand and foot and left in the cave.

obliged, obligated, required, constrained, forced, compelled
In the circumstances, Philippa was bound to do as she was told.

determined, resolved
Otto is bound to go to the party if Antonia is going.

destined, scheduled, booked, headed, directed
We were bound for Cardiff.

Bound Noun Synonyms
leap, jump, vault, spring, bounce, hop
With a great bound, the dog was upon me.

Bound Verb Synonyms
leap, jump, hop, spring, vault, gambol, caper, romp, frolic, bounce, galumph
The wolfhound came bounding towards me across the meadow.

limit, restrict, confine, delimit, define, circumscribe
The river bounds the property on the east.

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Limit / Fast / Destined / Determined / Sure / Spring

Coastal Boundary

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Metes-And-Bounds Description

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Offensive Rebound

Entertainment / Basketball / Offensive Rebound: A rebound by a player on offense. MORE

Defensive Rebound

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Marine Boundary

Science / Tides and Currents / Marine Boundary: The mean lower low water line (MLLWL) when used as a boundary. Also, lines used as boundaries seaward of and measured from (or points thereon) the MLLWL. See coastal boundary. MORE