Other Words for Spring

Spring Noun Synonyms
arise, appear, grow, come up, rise, come into being or existence, be born, emerge, sprout, shoot up, burst forth
Where the dragon's teeth were sown, an entire army sprang up.

leap, bound, jump, hop, vault, dart, fly, bounce
He sprang to his feet when she came into the room. When Tom came to the stream, he sprang over it. The leprechaun sprang out from behind a tree.

Spring Verb Synonyms
start or begin or experience or cause to occur or appear or happen suddenly or unexpectedly, broach, pop, introduce or divulge or reveal or disclose suddenly or unexpectedly
The canoe sprang a leak and started to sink. He likes to spring trick questions at candidates in an interview.

extensive, exhaustive, detailed, in-depth, comprehensive, full, complete, all-inclusive, total, all-embracing, encyclopedic or encyclopaedic, universal, A-to-Z, all-out
We need someone who has a thorough knowledge of the terrain.

leap, bound, jump, hop, vault, bounce, skip
In one spring the cat cleared the garden wall and was off.

bounciness, bounce, resiliency, resilience, springiness, buoyancy, elasticity, sprightliness, airiness, flexibility
Despite her age, there's still a lot of spring in her step.

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More Words for Spring

Appear / Total / Pop / Rise / Full

Hot Spring

Science / Geology / Hot Spring: A spring whose waters are above both human body and soil temperature as a result of plutonism at depth. MORE

Low Water Equinoctial Springs

Science / Tides and Currents / Low Water Equinoctial Springs: Low water springs near the times of the equinoxes. Expressed in terms of the harmonic constants, it is an elevation depressed below mean sea level by an amount equal to the sum of the amplitudes of th MORE


Technology / Motorcycle / Springer: A Springer is a particular Harley-Davidson model in the Softail family. It is characterized by a front fork that uses springs and a shock instead of a telescopic fork. The Springer front fork was firs MORE

Leaf Spring

Technology / Motorcycle / Leaf Spring: A spring that comprises strips of spring steel clamped together commonly used for the suspension in wheeled vehicles. One end is fixed and the other is attached to the spring component. It is also one MORE

Spring Dividers

Business / Machine Shop / Spring Dividers: Dividers whose legs are held together at the hinged end by the pressure of a C-shaped spring. MORE

Spring Diatom Increase

Science / Marine Biology / Spring Diatom Increase: The major rapid population increase of diatoms, occurring in the spring in temperate-boreal latitudes MORE