Inbounds Pass

Entertainment / Basketball / Inbounds Pass: Pass thrown-in from out-of-bounds.
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Other Words for Pass

Pass Noun Synonyms: free pass, complimentary ticket, twofer, Annie Oakley
Pass Verb Synonyms: evacuate, void, eliminate, excrete, defecate, urinate
Pass Adjective Synonyms: proceed, move (onwards), go (ahead), progress, extend, lie, run, flow, fly, roll, course, stream, drift, sweep

Passer Rating

Entertainment / Football / Passer Rating: (also quarterback rating) a numeric value used to measure of the performance of quarterbacks. It was formulated in 1973 and it uses the player's completion percentage, passing yards, touchdowns and in MORE


Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Passing: When one player uses his stick to send the puck to a teammate. MORE

Passing Lane

Entertainment / Basketball / Passing Lane: The area between two offensive players where a pass can be made. MORE


Entertainment / Music / Passepied: French Baroque court dance type: a faster version of the minuet. MORE

Passenger Type

Lifestyle / Travel / Passenger Type: Provides the ability to specify fares and fees based on the classification of the passenger. MORE

Passenger name record (PNR)

Lifestyle / Travel / Passenger name record (PNR) : The official name of one's reservation in a computer reservation system (crs). MORE