Allow Verb Synonyms
acknowledge, admit, grant, concede, own
He allowed that he had not been completely truthful about his movements that night.
make allowance or concession for, set apart or aside, put aside, take into account or consideration, add, deduct
You must allow at least an extra hour for the traffic during rush hour. The shipper allows ten kilos for the weight of the container.
permit, let, suffer
Please allow the children to select their own friends.
agree to, concede, cede to, admit, permit, authorize, entertain, consent to
The judge said that he would allow a plea of 'guilty with an explanation'.
tolerate, stand (for), brook, sanction, countenance, permit, consider, put up with
The headmaster refuses to allow such goings-on at his school.
give, let (someone) have, appropriate, grant, budget, earmark, assign, allocate, assign, approve
The company allowed him $100 a day for expenses.
Search Google for Allow:
Business / Debt / Personal Allowance: Tax allowances are concessions by the Inland Revenue which can be used to reduce a person's Taxable Income. The main allowance for taxpayers is the 'personal allowance'; which is an amount of income t MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Baggage Allowance: The amount of baggage, generally consisting of the passenger's personal effects, permitted by the cruise line free of charge. The allowance is very generous (and if you reach it, you're packing way to MORE
Health / Vitamins / Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA): Recommended dietary allowance. The amount of a nutrient necessary to prevent deficiency symptoms (USA old definition). The dietary intake level that is sufficient to meet the nutrients requirements of MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Mileage Allowance: Number of miles a rented car is driven beyond the mileage allowance. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Shallow Space Blocking: A type of blocking associated with multiple-camera, studio set productions, where, due to the shallow sets, the actors mostly move side-to-side, rather than up-and-back. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Shallow Water Wave: A wave is classified as a shallow water wave whenever the ratio of the depth (the vertical distance of the still water level from the bottom) to the wave length (the horizontal distance between crests MORE