Give Noun Synonyms
present, deliver, pass (over), turn or hand over, confer, vouchsafe, provide, supply, furnish, bestow, donate, accord, afford, award, hand out, contribute, distribute, grant, allow, transfer, make over, entrust
Please give me the envelope. I have given the files to the tax inspector. Give freely to charity.
exchange, pay, transfer, trade, barter, swap or swop
Philippa gave a week's salary for that dress.
Give Verb Synonyms
cause, lead, induce, persuade, make, prompt, move, dispose
I was given to understand that I was not welcome.
yield, relax, give way, fail, collapse, buckle, break down, fall or come apart
If that pillar gives, the balcony will come down.
afflict with, cause, occasion
Rock music gives me a headache.
utter, emit, give out (with), issue
He gave a shout to warn us.
cede, relinquish, concede, allow, surrender, yield
He gave me the first game but I lost the second.
present, offer, announce, introduce
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Madja Kiziamainska, the Polish Nightingale.
impart, pass on, communicate, transmit, send, convey, express
Give my regards to Broadway.
slack, play, leeway, excess, flexibility, stretch
There is very little give in the rules governing working hours. Nylon is used for boat anchor rodes because it has some give.
sacrifice, devote, dedicate, yield (up), surrender, give up, cede, concede, consign, apply (oneself) to
Those monks have given their lives to the study of Scripture.
Search Google for Give:
Present / Breakdown / Pay / Excess / Make / Play / Allow / Stretch / Award / Move / Accord / Offer / Exchange / Grant / Lead / Supply
Entertainment / Basketball / Give And Go: Give and Go is an offensive play that involves passing the ball (give) and then running (go) to an open spot to receive the ball back, usually near the basket, for an easy score. This play can be effe MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Dont Give The Hole Away: (also 'keep it inside the hole') an instruction to aim the putter and/or stroke the ball inside the edge of the cup MORE
Business / Finance / Give Up: A security guaranteed by the Government National Mortgage Association that is backed by a collection of mortgages, in which the investor receives the interest and principal payments of participating h MORE
Health / Dentistry / Gingivectomy: The removal of gingiva (gum). MORE
Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Give-And-Go: A play on which a player passes to a teammate, then skates past him, ready for a quick return pass. MORE
Business / Finance / Price Give: Used in the context of general equities. Willingness of a buyer or seller to negotiate on price, within reason, from the price at the last sale or the indicated level. See: Takes price. MORE