Technology / Television (TV) / Shallow Space Blocking: A type of blocking associated with multiple-camera, studio set productions, where, due to the shallow sets, the actors mostly move side-to-side, rather than up-and-back.
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Shallow Noun Synonyms: surface, skin-deep, superficial, thin, empty, flimsy, trivial, unimportant, slight, frivolous, idle, foolish
Space Verb Synonyms: accommodation, seat, berth, room, place
Space Adjective Synonyms: spaciousness, room, place, expanse, elbow-room, leeway, margin, latitude, play
Space Noun Synonyms: interval, lapse, period, time, hiatus, lacuna, span, while, duration, extent, spell, stretch, pause, wait, intermission, gap, break, interruption
Lifestyle / Painting / Positive Space: The areas of an artwork that IS the primary subject or object. Positive Space defines the subjects outline. MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / PIN Unblocking Key (PUK): If a GSM or GAIT subscriber enters the wrong PIN three times in a row, then the wireless mobile phone is locked until the PUK is entered. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Road Blocking: The scheduling of a brand's commercial at approximately the same time on all networks, or all stations in a given market. MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Shallow Cut: A change-of-direction cut; also called a fish-hook cut. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Shallow Space Blocking: A type of blocking associated with multiple-camera, studio set productions, where, due to the shallow sets, the actors mostly move side-to-side, rather than up-and-back. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Shallow Focus: A small depth of field, with just one plane (foreground, middle-ground, or background) in focus. MORE