Technology / Television (TV) / Active Display Area: The area on the face of the CRT that the image is displayed on.
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Active Adjective Synonyms: strenuous, vigorous, full, dynamic, physical, energetic, lively, busy, brisk, bustling, occupied, on the move, on the go, running
Area Noun Synonyms: space, room
Display Verb Synonyms: show, exhibit, air, put or set forth, make visible, expose, evince, manifest, demonstrate, betray, reveal, unveil, disclose, advertise, publicize
Display Noun Synonyms: ostentation, spectacle, flourish, show, parade, ceremony, pageantry, pageant, splendour, array, panoply, magnificence, grandeur, pomp, splash, dash
Science / Biology / Nuclear Area: In prokaryotic cells, a region containing the cells genetic information. Unlike the nucleus in eukaryotic cells, it is not surrounded by a membrane. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Organizational Display: An organizational display is a detailed graphical or tabular chart, text, spreadsheet or similar presentation of the contractor's organizational structure. It must identify each organizational unit in MORE
Business / Finance / Most Active List: The stocks with the highest volume of trading on a certain day. MORE
Entertainment / Basketball / Midcourt Area Marker: One of four lines extending 3 feet in from a sideline, 28 feet from and parallel to a baseline. MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA): One of 306 geographic regions, primarily urban areas, in the United States that are used as license areas in the cellular frequency band. Originally, two wireless operators were licensed in each MSA. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Out-Of-Area Benefits: Benefits the health plan provides to covered persons for covered services obtained outside of the network service area. The details of such benefits will vary from plan to plan. MORE