Aviation Glossary

Scramjet , Magneto (MAG) , Arm , Differential Pressure , Twilight Zone , Wing Loading , Cabane Strut , Spoiler , Coriolis Force , Accelerated Stall MORE

Cell Phones Glossary

Radio Frequency (RF) , Authentication , Interim Standard (IS) , Dual Mode , Base Station , Integrated Circuit Card ID (ICCID) , A-Key , Home Location Register (HLR) , Voice Activation , PCS Phone MORE

Computers Glossary

Common Business Oriented Language (COBOL) , Overwrite , Infrared , Compressed File , Display Adapter , Clustering , RJ-45 , Portal , Jumper , Domain Name Service (DNS) MORE

Digital Cameras Glossary

Telephoto Lens , Memory , Brightness Controls , Charge Coupled Device (CCD) , Shutter Speed , Face Detection , Panning , Ambient Light , ISO Speed , Inkjet MORE

Email Glossary

Discussion Group , Attachment , Double Opt-In , Spoofing , Domainkeys , Reminders , Attachments , Storage Limit , Hesiod , Email Address Finder MORE

Home Audio Glossary

Amplitude , Dust Cover-Cap , Punch , Jumper , Driver Volume , Potentiometer , High Pass Filter , Acoustic Suspension , Signal To Noise Ratio , Binding Post Terminals MORE

Motorcycle Glossary

Table-Top Jump , Rectifier , Sport-Tourer , Neutral Light , Trail , Geezer Glide , Speedway , Enduro , T-Bone , On The Pipe MORE

Motors Glossary

Temperature Tests , Reactance (Inductive) , Stress Cones , Altitude , Roller Bearing , Lubrication , Locked Rotor Torque , Capacitor , Induction Motor , Hysteresis Loss MORE

Programming Glossary

Attributes , Encapsulation , Voltage , Switch , Integer , Compiler Error , Conceptual Abstraction , While , Class , Comparison MORE

Radar Glossary

Beam Width , Doppler Radar , Radar Jammer , Range Selector , Clear-Air Echos , Echo Box , Radar Receivers , Anti-Radiation Missile (ARM) , Clear-Air Echos , Wave Velocity MORE

Rockets Glossary

Liquid , Plumbing , Chuff , Restrict , Test Stand , Aft , Tailoff , Binder , Erosive Burning , Strand Burner MORE

Television (TV) Glossary

Bit Rate , Masking , Y-Pb-Pr , YuvYUV , Plasma , Strip , Over The Air (OTA) , Soundies , Hiatus , Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) MORE