Same Direction Tracking

Technology / Radar / Same Direction Tracking: Tracking vehicles from behind or in front of the patrol vehicle going the same direction while the patrol vehicle is moving. All decatur police moving radars and decatur polie radar guns offer same direction tracking mode.
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Other Words for Direction

Direction Adjective Synonyms: directing, aiming, pointing, guiding, guidance, conducting, conduct, instructing, instruction, managing, management, administering, administration, governing, government, supervising, supervision, operating, operation, running, leadership, directorship

Other Words for Same

Same Noun Synonyms: identical, exact (same), selfsame, very

Selectable Direction Tracking

Technology / Radar / Selectable Direction Tracking: This mode of radar operation allows the operator to monitor targets that are only going toward the patrol vehicle, away from it, or in both directions. Example: decatur gvp-d police radar gun w/ k-ban MORE

Stage Direction

Entertainment / Literature / Stage Direction: Sometimes abbreviated 's.d.,' the term in drama refers to part of the printed text in a play that is not actually spoken by actors on stage, but which instead indicates actions or activity for the act MORE

Statistical Tracking Error

Business / Finance / Statistical Tracking Error: Theory that the firm's capital structure is determined by a trade-off of the value of tax shields against the costs of bankruptcy. MORE

Secondary Progressions, Secondary Directions

Science / Astrology / Secondary Progressions, Secondary Directions: The method of progressing a natal horoscope in which each day after birth is equated to a corresponding number of years after birth; commonly referred to as 'day for a year' progressions. MORE

Screen Direction

Technology / Television (TV) / Screen Direction: From the camera's perspective, the direction a character is looking and/or an object is moving in a shot. MORE

Same Lane Radar

Technology / Radar / Same Lane Radar: Uses dual antenna moving radar to clock vehicles ahead or behind a rolling cruiser. Example: decatur genesis i moving police radar w/ dual k-band antenna. MORE