Science / Astrology / Secondary Progressions, Secondary Directions: The method of progressing a natal horoscope in which each day after birth is equated to a corresponding number of years after birth; commonly referred to as 'day for a year' progressions.
Search Google for Secondary Progressions, Secondary Directions:
Directions Noun Synonyms: instruction(s), information, bearing, road, way, route, avenue, course
Secondary Noun Synonyms: auxiliary, second-line, backup, extra, reserve, spare, provisional, supporting, supportive, alternate, alternative
Secondary Adverb Synonyms: derivative, derived, indirect, second-hand, unoriginal, not original, copied, imitated
Secondary Verb Synonyms: less important, unimportant, inessential or unessential, non-essential, non-critical, subsidiary, ancillary, minor, inferior, subordinate
Lifestyle / Adoption / Secondary Prevention: Activities targeted to prevent breakdowns and dysfunctions among families who have been identified as at risk for abuse and neglect. MORE
Science / Psychiatry / Secondary Process: In psychoanalytic theory, mental activity and thinking characteristic of the ego and influenced by the demands of the environment. Characterized by organization, systematization, intellectualization, MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Secondary Production: The production of living material per unit area (or volume) per unit time by herbivores. Usually expressed as grams carbon per meter square per year MORE
Science / Astrology / Secondary Progressions: See 'Progressions.' MORE
Science / Biology / Secondary Phloem: Phloem produced by the vascular cambium in a woody plant stem or root. MORE
Business / Taxes / Secondary Offering: The most common form of secondary offering occurs when an investor, usually a corporation, but sometimes an individual, sells a large block of stock or other securities it has been holding in its port MORE