Technology / Motors / Totally-Enclosed Water Air-Cooled Machine: A totally-enclosed machine cooled by circulating air which, in turn, is cooled by circulating water. Provided with water-cooled heat exchanger for cooling ventilating air and fan or fans, integral with rotor shaft or separate, for circulating ventilating air.
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Machine Adjective Synonyms: mechanism, device, apparatus, contrivance, appliance, instrument, implement, tool, utensil, gadget, contraption, gismo or gizmo
Machine Noun Synonyms: organization, system, ring, gang, cabal, clique, party, faction
Water Noun Synonyms: H2O, distilled water, tap water, drinking-water, bottled water, spa water, still water, soda (water), effervescent water, mineral water, sea water, salt water, ditch-water, dishwater, bath-water, branch water, Adam's ale, Latin a
Science / Geology / Vadose Water: Water that exists in the pore spaces of a rock or soil, between the ground surface and the water table. MORE
Technology / Computers / Virtual Machine: A self-contained operating environment that behaves as if it is a separate computer. For example, Java applets run in a Java virtual machine (VM) that has no access to the host operating system. This MORE
Science / Chemistry / Water: A colorless, tasteless liquid with some very peculiar properties that stem from the bent H-O-H structure of its molecules. MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Universal Milling Machine: A milling machine with a worktable that can be swiveled for milling helical work. It is always supplied with attachments, including an indexing fixture. MORE
Health / Fitness / Universal Machine: One of several types of machines where weights are on tracks or rails and lifted by levers or pulleys. MORE
Business / Taxes / Underwater: You?€™re underwater when your employee stock options are out-of-the-money and so currently worthless. For example, if you have options to buy your company stock at a strike price of $50, and the s MORE