Health / Fitness / Universal Machine: One of several types of machines where weights are on tracks or rails and lifted by levers or pulleys.
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Machine Noun Synonyms: organization, system, ring, gang, cabal, clique, party, faction
Machine Adjective Synonyms: mechanism, device, apparatus, contrivance, appliance, instrument, implement, tool, utensil, gadget, contraption, gismo or gizmo
Universal Noun Synonyms: cosmic, infinite, boundless, limitless, unlimited, measureless, endless, uncircumscribed, all-inclusive, all-embracing, all-encompassing, wide-ranging, comprehensive
Universal Adjective Synonyms: prevalent, prevailing, general, worldwide, widespread, ubiquitous, omnipresent, limitless, unlimited, common, pandemic, epidemic
Health / Pilates / Universal Reformer: See Reformer. MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / Universal Search: Also known as blended, or federated search results, universal search pulls data from multiple databases to display on the same page. Results can include images, videos, and results from specialty data MORE
Technology / Computers / Universal Serial Bus (USB): A 12Mbit/sec interface over a four wire connection. Can support up to 127 daisy chained devices. Very common interface for peripherals like keyboards, mice, and printers. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Universal Soil Loss Equation: A formula used to estimate erosion rates by considering climate, soils, and topographic conditions at a site, as well as any degree to which the use and management of the soil reduce erosion. It is be MORE
Lifestyle / Adoption / Universal Prevention: Activities and services directed at the general public with the goal of stopping the occurrence of maltreatment before it starts. Also referred to as 'primary prevention.' MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS): The goal of UMTS is to enable networks that offer true global roaming and can support a wide range of voice, data and multimedia services. A new-generation technology for rapidly moving data and multi MORE