Plug Reversal

Technology / Motors / Plug Reversal: Reconnecting a motor's winding in reverse to apply a reverse braking torque to its normal direction of rotation while running. Although it is an effective dynamic braking means in many applications, plugging produces more heat than other methods and should be used with caution .
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Other Words for Plug

Plug Noun Synonyms: publicity, mention, promotion, recommendation, puff, blurb, PR, advertisement, advert, hype
Plug Verb Synonyms: stopper, stopple, bung, cork

Other Words for Reversal

Reversal Noun Synonyms: annulment, nullification, nulling, cancellation, revocation, repeal, rescission
Reversal Verb Synonyms: reverse, turn-about, turn-round, U-turn, change, volte-face, (complete) switch, about-turn, about-face


Technology / Computers / Plug-In: This is a program that your browser uses to manipulate a downloaded file. It differs from a Helper Application in that the plug-in works inside the browser window. MORE

Plug Weld

Business / Machine Shop / Plug Weld: A weld made in a circular hole in one member of a joint fusing that member to another member. MORE

Plug Reversal

Technology / Motors / Plug Reversal: Reconnecting a motor's winding in reverse to apply a reverse braking torque to its normal direction of rotation while running. Although it is an effective dynamic braking means in many applications, p MORE

Polarity Reversal

Science / Geology / Polarity Reversal: A change in the polarity of Earth's magnetic field in which the north magnetic pole becomes the south magnetic pole and vice versa. Also known as geomagnetic reversal or magnetic reversal. Earth's mag MORE


Business / Finance / Reversal: Turn, unwind. For convertible reversal, selling a convertible and buying the underlying common, usually effected by an arbitrageur. For market reversal, change in direction in the stock or commodity f MORE

Swap Reversal

Business / Finance / Swap Reversal: The difference between spot and forward rates expressed in points, e.g., $0.0001 per pound sterling. MORE