Business / Machine Shop / Plug Weld: A weld made in a circular hole in one member of a joint fusing that member to another member.
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Plug Verb Synonyms: stopper, stopple, bung, cork
Plug Noun Synonyms: publicity, mention, promotion, recommendation, puff, blurb, PR, advertisement, advert, hype
Weld Verb Synonyms: seam, joint, juncture, commissure
Weld Noun Synonyms: unite, combine, merge, fuse, connect, link, join, solder, braze, cement, bond
Business / Machine Shop / Plug Weld: A weld made in a circular hole in one member of a joint fusing that member to another member. MORE
Technology / Computers / Plug-In: This is a program that your browser uses to manipulate a downloaded file. It differs from a Helper Application in that the plug-in works inside the browser window. MORE
Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Welder: (No information on this grape yet other than it is a Muscadine hybrid cultivar suitable for wine and juice in Florida). MORE
Technology / Motors / Plug Reversal: Reconnecting a motor's winding in reverse to apply a reverse braking torque to its normal direction of rotation while running. Although it is an effective dynamic braking means in many applications, p MORE
Technology / Computers / Plug and Play (PnP): A technology developed by Microsoft and Intel that supports plug-and-play installation. PnP is built into the Windows 95 operating system, but to use it, the computer's BIOS and expansion boards must MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Double-Banana Plugs: Are the same as banana plugs, except the positive and negative banana connectors are both fixed in a molded housing that spaces them 3/4' apart. (These are even quicker and easier to connect than regu MORE