Technology / Home Audio / Terminal Cup: A plastic cabinet part that contains the terminal connectors that permits the wire from the amplifier to be connected to the speaker. Sometimes these parts contain the Crossover and protection circuitry as well.
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Terminal Noun Synonyms: closing, concluding, terminating, ending, final, ultimate, extreme, maximum, greatest
Terminal Adjective Synonyms: connection, wire, connector, coupler, coupling, conductor
Terminal Verb Synonyms: keyboard, monitor, position, station, VDU (= 'visual display unit'), PC (= 'personal computer'), module, CRT (= 'cathode ray tube'), screen, (control) panel
Lifestyle / Time Shares / Private Occupancy: The number of guests that a resort unit will accommodate, based on two adults per separate sleeping area, with private access to a bathroom. MORE
Business / Finance / Porcupine Provision: Often used in risk arbitrage. See: Shark repellent. MORE
Entertainment / Liquor / Pimms Cup: A Pimm's No. 1 is a liqueur-style prepackaged preperation with a gin base. Pimm's No. 2 has a whiskey base, while No. 3 is a rum base and No. 4 a brandy base. MORE
Health / Massage / Process Acupressure: This integrated therapy combines traditional acupressure with Zero Balancing techniques and psychological processing to enhance psycho-spiritual growth. Process acupressure offers a hands-on method of MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Quick Release (Terminal): A means for securing a wire conductor to a terminal connector that permits easy attachment and removal. In the usual form, this will involve a spring-loaded clip, which needs only to be pressed to eit MORE