Technology / Home Audio / Quick Release (Terminal): A means for securing a wire conductor to a terminal connector that permits easy attachment and removal. In the usual form, this will involve a spring-loaded clip, which needs only to be pressed to either secure or detach a cable end.
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Quick Noun Synonyms: agile, lively, nimble, energetic, vigorous, alert, animated, keen, sharp, acute, spry, spirited, vivacious, rapid, swift
Quick Adjective Synonyms: excitable, touchy, testy, petulant, irascible, irritable, impatient
Quick Verb Synonyms: rapid, fast, speedy, swift, fleet, expeditious, express
Release Adjective Synonyms: freeing, releasing, liberating, loosing, unloosing, delivering, emancipating, manumitting, rescuing, saving, freedom, liberation, deliverance, discharge, emancipation, manumission, rescue, remission, salvation
Release Noun Synonyms: let go, (set) free, liberate, (set or let or turn) loose, unloose, untie, unchain, unfetter, unshackle, deliver, let out, disenthral, discharge, let off, emancipate, manumit, rescue, save
Release Verb Synonyms: press or publicity release, announcement, publicity, notice, story, report
Science / Geology / Quicksilver: A nickname for the element mercury. MORE
Technology / Computers / QuickTime Player: A multimedia technology developed by Apple Computer. Developed to display video, sound, animation, graphics, text, music and 360 degree virtual reality (VR) scenes. Apple makes its QuickTime plug-in a MORE
Health / Massage / Reichian Release: This technique utilizes manipulation of the musculo-skeletal system to release emotional blockages from the body. It was established from the works of Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian psychoanalyst. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Release: The point at which the ball is put onto the lane; also, the hand action that takes place at that point. MORE
Science / Geology / Quicksand: A bed of sand that has a high water content. The water within the sand is often flowing through the spaces between the sand grains. This creates a soft, fluid-like material that yields easily to press MORE
Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Quick Whistle: A 'quick whistle' is a stoppage in play that occasionally occurs when an on-ice official whistles the play dead, yet the puck is still not under complete control of the goaltender. The most common exa MORE