Other Words for Release

Release Adjective Synonyms
freeing, releasing, liberating, loosing, unloosing, delivering, emancipating, manumitting, rescuing, saving, freedom, liberation, deliverance, discharge, emancipation, manumission, rescue, remission, salvation
The release of the prisoner is scheduled for noon. It would be a great release to be rid of housework.

Release Noun Synonyms
issue, publish, make available, put out, pass out, hand out, come out with, circulate, distribute, disseminate, launch, unveil, present
The government refuses to release information that is considered harmful to its interests. The band's new album will be released tomorrow.

let go, (set) free, liberate, (set or let or turn) loose, unloose, untie, unchain, unfetter, unshackle, deliver, let out, disenthral, discharge, let off, emancipate, manumit, rescue, save
They kept up a strenuous campaign until all the political prisoners were released.

Release Verb Synonyms
press or publicity release, announcement, publicity, notice, story, report
The press office sent out a release to the media about Randolph's appointment.

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More Words for Release

Story / Notice / Report / Present

Antinous Release

Entertainment / Photography / Antinous Release: Alternate term for a camera cable release. MORE

Absolute Released Images

Entertainment / Photography / Absolute Released Images: Any images for which signed model or property releases are on file and immediately available. MORE

Spinal Release

Health / Massage / Spinal Release: Spinal release allows therapists to correct distortions of the central nervous system and restore the body?€™s center of gravity. The therapist works with techniques that address the eight muscle MORE

Partial Release

Business / Debt / Partial Release: Partial Release is a mortgage provision allowing some of the pledged collateral to be released if certain requirements are met. MORE

Release Clause

Business / Finance / Release Clause: A mortgage provision that releases a pledged asset after a certain portion of the total payments has been made. MORE

Reichian Release

Health / Massage / Reichian Release: This technique utilizes manipulation of the musculo-skeletal system to release emotional blockages from the body. It was established from the works of Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian psychoanalyst. MORE