Other Words for Quick

Quick Adjective Synonyms
excitable, touchy, testy, petulant, irascible, irritable, impatient
She said that I have a quick temper because of my red hair.

Quick Noun Synonyms
agile, lively, nimble, energetic, vigorous, alert, animated, keen, sharp, acute, spry, spirited, vivacious, rapid, swift
In three quick steps she was at my side. Antonia is known for her quick mind.

intelligent, bright, brilliant, facile, adept, adroit, dexterous, apt, able, expert, skilful, deft, astute, clever, shrewd, smart, ingenious, perceptive, perspicacious, discerning, far-sighted, responsive, nimble-witted, quick-witted
You can rely on Rob's quick thinking to come up with a solution to the problem.

Quick Verb Synonyms
rapid, fast, speedy, swift, fleet, expeditious, express
We made a quick descent to reach the camp before dark. The hand is quicker than the eye. Can you arrange the quick delivery of this parcel to Aylesbury? .

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Quick Ratio

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Quick Assets

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Net Quick Assets

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