Technology / Home Audio / High Pass Filter: An electronic filter of a type commonly incorporated in Crossover circuits that permits the passage of high frequencies while suppressing lower ones. The place in the frequency spectrum where this occurs is called the crossover point and is different for each set of Drivers being considered. The most basic form of such filter is a non-polarized capacitor. Typical values for such a unit would be in the range of 1 to 100 microfarads.
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Filter Adjective Synonyms: sieve, colander, riddle, screen, strainer, gauze, cloth, cheesecloth, membrane
Filter Noun Synonyms: leach, percolate, drip, seep, dribble, trickle, drain, run or pass through, ooze
High Noun Synonyms: anticyclone
High Adverb Synonyms: intoxication, altered consciousness
High Adjective Synonyms: tall, lofty, elevated, towering
Pass Adjective Synonyms: proceed, move (onwards), go (ahead), progress, extend, lie, run, flow, fly, roll, course, stream, drift, sweep
Pass Noun Synonyms: free pass, complimentary ticket, twofer, Annie Oakley
Pass Verb Synonyms: evacuate, void, eliminate, excrete, defecate, urinate
Technology / Motorcycle / Oil Filter: An Oil Filter filters the oil in the engine. Changing the oil and oil filter is one task that many riders do for themselves. Consult your owner's manual for recommended intervals and oil weights to us MORE
Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Offside Pass: A type of offside violation occuring when a player passes the puck from his defending zone to a teammate across the red center line, play is stopped for a face-off; also known as an offside pass. MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Notch Filter: A special type of cut-only equalizer used to attenuate ( no boosting ) a narrow band of frequencies. Three controls: frequency, bandwidth and depth, determine the notch. Simplified units provide only MORE